


( )1. I have ______.old shit and______ new sweate.

A. a, an B. an, a C. an, an D. a, a

( )2. This is Li Qiang. ______ is a new student hee. . ______ fathe is a teache.

A. She; He B. He; His C. She; His D. His; He

( )3. I would like some _____ , please.

A. sandwich an d milk B. sandwich and milks

C. sandwiches and milk D. sandwiches an d milks

( )4. How is Jim?


A. I am fin e B. She is fine C. He’s fine D. It’s fine

( )5. Mum, I need a new pen. Can you buy a new _______fo me?

A. it B. one C. they D. ones

( )6____shoes ae those?

They ae Lucy’s.

A. whose B.who C.what D.which

( )7. May I boow you ule, Linda?

_______. It isn’t hee now.

A.I’m so y B.Sue

C.That’s OK D.Hee you ae

( )8. How many _____ shots do you have?

A.pai B. a pai

C.pais D.pais of

( )9. Is this you scaf?


A Yes, it is. B Yes, this is C No, it is D No, this isn’t

( )10. I like the supemaket. Eveything ____vey good thee.

A. ae B. do C. is D. am

( )11. I don’t have _____ bothes o sistes.

A. some B. any C. no D. much

( 12. Li Ming, _____ you _____, please.

A. stands on , feet B. stand on, feet C. stands on, foots D. stand on , foot.

( )13. Ae you OK ?

No. I ______.

A. have headache B. am a headache C. have a headache D. do headache

( )14. Would you like some moe ?

______.I am full(飽的).

A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. I’d love to D. No, I wouldn’t

( )15.?Kim,I like you new pen.


A.OK B. Thanks

C. Sue D. You’e welcome

II. 完型填空(10)

I’m Jenny. I __1__ fom Canada. Now I live in Shanghai, China. I __2__ up at 6:30. Then I __3__ beakfast. I like ceeal with milk and suga ___4___ it. I __5__some bead. __6__ fiend Li Ming __7__ noodles, eggs and vegetables __8__ beakfast. I walk to school, and I have fou classes __9___ the moning. At 12:00, I have hambuges and juice fo lunch. Li Ming eats noodles and eggs. I have thee classes in the aftenoon. I play games afte school. In the evening, I h ave chicken , fish ___10___ ice fo suppe. Li Ming has dumplings. I go to bed at 9:30.

1. A. am B. is C. ae D. be

2. A. put B.eat C.get D.stand

3. A. has B.have C.want D.like

4. A. with B.o C. in D.up

5. A. get B. stand C.put D.eat

6. A. My B. He C. I D. She

7. A. like B. likes C.like to D.likes to

8. A.up B. in C.on D.fo

9. A. on B.in C.up D. fo

10. A. and B. o C.but D.too

III閱讀理解 (15)

My nam e is Ben. In my family, I have two bothes, Jim and Tony. Fo beakfast, we all like eggs. Jim and I like bananas, but Tony doesn’t. I don’t like noodles fo beakfast. But Jim and Tony do. I like ice ceam afte dinne . We all like salad and chicken fo dinne. Jim likes salad with vegetables. Tony likes all kinds of salad.


( )1.I don’t like eggs fo beakfast.

( )2.Tony and I lik e bananas fo beakfas t.

( )3.We all like salad and chicken fo dinne.

( )4. Tony only likes salad with v egetables.

( )5. I like ice ceam afte beakfast.


Sandy and Tom ae fiends. They ae Canadians, but they d on’t live in Canada.They live in China now. They ae in the same school. Whee ae they now?They ae in the libay. Thee ae ma ny books in the libay. They boow books fom it. Sandy boows two books and Tom boows thee . It’s six in the aftenoon. Tom closes the windows. Sandy closes the doo. “Thank you, Sandy. Thank you, Tom,’’ says the teache. Sandy and Tom say, “You’e welcome.’’

( )6. Whee do Sandy and Tom live now?

A. In Canada.

B. In China.

C. In Ameica.

( )7. They ae in the _____ now.

A.classoom B.libay C.home

( )8. They boow _____ books togethe(總共)fom the libay. A. two B. thee C. five

( )9.Tom helps the teache _____.

A. close the doo

B.close the windows

C.close the doo and windows

( ) 10.Who says “ Than k you” to Sandy?

A. His teache. B.Tom. C. His fiend.


Hello! I’m Pete. I’m f om Ameica . Now I am in China with my paents. I like China. And I like Chinese food, too. I have beakfast at home. I eat an egg and some milk fo it. I don’t like poidge. I have no time to go home fo lunch, so I have it at school. The lunch in ou school is good. I can have lots of diffeent food. I eat ice, meat and vegetables.

Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings. I have suppe at home. On Sundays, I often go out to eat with my fiends. We have fish, meat, vegetables and fuit.


11. Pete is fom________

12. He ____ China and Chinese food

13. He has an______ and some _____ fo beakfast.

14. He has ____ and ___ at home sometimes.

15. He often goes out to eat with his _____ on Sundays


1.He name is Jenny.(對畫線部分提問)

______ _______ name?

2. I have six glasses of milk. (對畫線部分提問)

______ ______ _______ ______ _______ do you have?

3. She is a student.(用teache改為選擇疑問句)

______ _____ a student ______ _____ ?

4. Put on you jacket.(變成否定句)


5.He is fom Canada. (同義句轉換)

He ______ _____ Canada.

V 根據(jù)漢語補全句子。(20)


My fiend can ______ ______ in the English class.


Danny ______ ______ ______ school.


______ ______ you umbella.


Let’s ______ ______.


______ ______ is it?

6. 他的帽子看起來不同于你。

His hat looks ______ ______ you hat.

7. 懷特先生有足夠的錢買輛小汽車。

M White has ______ ______ ______ ______ a ca.

8. 請寫下你的名字。

Please ______ ______ you n ames.


Hee ______ ______ ______.

10. 你的妹妹長什么樣?

What ______ you siste ______ ______?


have, black, skit, same, diffeent, colou, they, woke, eye, mete

Jenny and Helen ae my good fiends. 1_____ ae twins fom Canada. Thei mothe is a 2______ and thei fathe is a docto. Jenny and Helen look the 3______. They have big geen 4______ and long bown hai. The y ae 1.6 _5__ tall. But they like 6_____ colous and clothes. Jenny’s favouite 7____ is geen. He favouite clothes ae 8_____. Helen likes 9______ best. She likes hats. She 10______ 5 black hats in diff eent shapes.



A: You look sad. 1.___ , Wang Ming?

B: My finge huts.I cut it.

A: Don’t woy. Let me help you. My fathe is a docto. 2.____

B: 3.____ , Jenny?

A: My fathe is at home.

B: OK!

(Jenny 的爸爸為Wang Ming做了包扎)

C: 4.____ ,now, Wang Ming?

B: Much bette! 5.____

C You’e welcome.

A. How do you feel

B. Thank you vey much.

C. What’s wong

D. Let’s go and ask him fo help

E. Whee is you fathe


A: Hi, Jenny. It’s tim e 1.___ lunch. I’m 2.___. Let’s go to the estauant.

B: All ight. What 3.___ y ou 4.____ fo lunch?

A: I’d like a bottle of coke and a hambuge. And you?

B: I 5.____ 6.____ a glass of milk 7._____ a bag of Fench fies.

C: I’m soy. We 8.____ have any milk now. 9._____ you like oange juice?

B: Yes, I do. 10.____ you.

C: You’e welcome.



Name May Age 28

Haistyle long,

yellow Height 1.65m

Othe Infomation Like singing and dancing;

help me with my English .


Ⅰ1-5BBCCB 6--10AADAC 11--15BBCBB

II..1-5 ACBCD 6-10 ABDBA

III. 1-5 FFTFF 6.B 7.B 8.C 9. B 10.A 11.Ameica 12.likes 13. egg , milk

14. noodles , dumplings 15. fiends

Ⅳ1.what’s he

2.how many glasses of milk

3.is she o a teache

4.Don’t put on you jacket.

5. Comes fom

V1.have fun

2.is eady fo

3.Don’t foget

4. Go shopping

5. What colou

6. diffeent fom

7.Enough money to buy

8.Wite down

9.ae my books

10.does look like

.Ⅵ 1.They 2.woke 3.same 4.eyes 5.metes 6.diffeent 7.colou 8.skit

9.black 10.has


B1.fo 2. hungy 3. would 4. lik e 5. Would

6. like 7. and 8. don’t 9. Do 10. Thank

