


☆ If you want to go, so please leave quietly.

☆ 如果你要走,那么請(qǐng)你安安靜靜的離去。

☆ If it is wrong to love you, then my heart just won't let me be right.

☆ 愛(ài)上你是一種錯(cuò),但我的心卻慫恿我一錯(cuò)再錯(cuò)。

☆ Beauty is just a pronoun, just as a derogatory term.

☆ 紅顏只是一個(gè)代名詞,禍水只是一個(gè)貶義詞。

☆ All that I gave was likely to consider as negligible.

☆ 我所有的付出,竟然從未打動(dòng)過(guò)你

☆ In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.

☆ 在夢(mèng)境和愛(ài)情里,沒(méi)有事情是不可能的。

☆ It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world.

☆ 世界這么大,能遇見(jiàn),不容易。

☆ Has been lost again, better than never wounding more.

☆ 得到了再失去,比從來(lái)就沒(méi)有得到更傷人。

☆ Love, then heard anyhow Valentine scattered forget it.

☆ 情話聽(tīng)過(guò)就算了吧,情人散了就忘了吧。

☆ If you fall in love you just a dream to wake up and then how to re-asleep.

☆ 如果愛(ài)上你只是一個(gè)夢(mèng)境 醒來(lái)后又該如何重新睡去。

☆ Unless the loess bones of me and keep you the centenary worry-free.

☆ 除非黃土白骨 我守你百歲無(wú)憂。

☆ I subvert the whole world just to straighten your reflection.

☆ 我顛覆了整個(gè)世界 只為了擺正你的倒影。

☆ The most beautiful is not the rainy day, but with you avoid the rain eaves

☆ 最美的不是下雨天,而是與你一起躲過(guò)雨的屋檐。

☆ The heart has to hold, so Yiriweinian.

☆ 心有所牽,所以才以日為年。

☆ Perhaps silence proved not sure

☆ 也許沉默不過(guò)證明沒(méi)有把握.

☆ I've got a whole summer memories.

☆ 我把回憶整整記了一個(gè)夏天。

☆ We 've lasted a long time, but lost to the enduring as the universe.

☆ 我們撐了好久,卻輸給了天長(zhǎng)地久。

☆ My young frivolous, is you give pain

☆ 我的年少輕狂,是你給予的傷痛

