

自我介紹是每一個職場中人都必然要經(jīng)歷的一件事情,只不過,有的人一年用不上幾次,而有的人則一個星期可能需要做N次。眾所周知,自我介紹是日常工作中與陌生人建立關系、打開局面的一種非常重要的手段,因此,讓自己通過自我介紹[1] 或得到對方的認識甚至認可,一種非常重要的職場技術。


1。Hello,this is Li Chunfei。I graduated from Xi'an siyuan University and majored in accounting。It's a pleasure to meet you。Be patient with me,I'm a little bit nervous。

2。 I was once a poor student of English, and it was my biggest headache and trouble maker。

I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words。 But through hard work

in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games, I found myself a totally different and exciting new world。I'd like to

share my learning techniques with my students of future and be their friend。

3。Education has always been the most important thing in my life,and English is in my free/spare time。(English is my favorite subject。)So educating young people is

the most important thing I do with my life!Let's work together to lift the English education of China to a higher level。We can do it。

4。Thank you for your valuable time。


Please allow me to introduce myself in a minute。 My name is Han Meimei, graduated from Normal University Department of English majors, has now been speaking

Level six level。

I am steady, practical work hard, have a strong team spirit, diligent, hard?working, obedience to superior orders to listen to

From the command。 During the school actively participate in various activities, for three consecutive years as a member of the study, business English writing ability, had a brief

English teaching experience。

In class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach to the way of learning English, because I think that learning is a kind of personalized

Process。 Everyone should become a critical thinker in my class, I want to be a good teacher in the true sense of the。 Iam not the traditional

Teacher。 I think in my classroom English teaching reform。 I hope I can do something to change the Psent situation of English teaching。

Finally, I hope that their personal expertise in English teachers post, contribute to the cause of education。

