


The Strange Tree

There’s a strange tree which lives near me,

And this strange tree could not agree,

That if this tree could ever see,

A stranger tree it sure would be.

There’s a strange tree which topples me,

For this strange tree was tall, you see,

And then this tree would use its knee,

To break in three, the clouds who flee.

There’s a strange tree which lives near me,

The northern tree, its branches free,

The southern tree, no limb to see,

For this strange tree, was strange, you see?

There’s a strange tree which I can see,

And this strange tree (against my plea)

Was sent to sea, its roots now free,

And now this tree… A ship is he.


Willow and Gingko By Eve Merriam

The willow is like an etching,

Fine-lined against the sky.

Then ginkgo is like a crude sketch,

Hardly worthy to be signed.

The willow’s music is like a soprano,

Delicate and thin.

The ginkgo’s tune is like a chorus

With everyone joining in.

The willow is sleek as a velvet-nosed calf,

The ginkgo is leathery as an old bull.

The willow’s branches are like silken thread;

The ginkgo’s like stubby rough wool.

The willow is like a nymph with streaming hair;

Wherever it grows,there is green and gold and fair.

The willow dips to the water,

Protected and Pcious,like the king’s favorite daughter.

The ginkgo forces its way through gray concrete;

Like a city child,it grows up in the street.

Thrust against the metal sky,

Somehow it survives and even thrives.

My eyes feast upon the willow,

But my heart goes to the ginkgo.

