

業(yè)設(shè)計(英語:Industrial Design)是以工學(xué)、美學(xué)、經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)為基礎(chǔ)對工業(yè)產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行的設(shè)計,它是20世紀(jì)初工業(yè)化社會的產(chǎn)物,其設(shè)計理念從產(chǎn)生之初的“形式隨機(jī)能”發(fā)展到現(xiàn)今的“在符合各方面需求的基礎(chǔ)上兼具特色”。隨著以機(jī)械化為特征的工業(yè)社會向以信息化為特色的知識社會邁進(jìn),工業(yè)設(shè)計也正由專業(yè)設(shè)計師的工作向更廣泛的用戶參與演變,用戶參與、以用戶為中心成為設(shè)計的關(guān)鍵詞,并展現(xiàn)出未來設(shè)計的趨勢。


#1. Rhode Island School of Design | 羅德島設(shè)計學(xué)院



BFA Industrial Design學(xué)制:4年費用:48210 美元/年語言:雅思總分6.5分,托福不低于93分作品集要求:提交12-20個最近的作品,作品要能夠展現(xiàn)出你的想法,興趣,經(jīng)驗和能力。命題作品要求:1. deconstruct (解構(gòu))?Select something.(選擇一個物體)?Deconstruct it.(解構(gòu)它)?Make a work in response to the process or result of the deconstruction.(對于解構(gòu)的過程和結(jié)果進(jìn)行記錄)?Create a title for the work.(對于整個工作起一個標(biāo)題)2.light(燈光)?Create a work using light or the illusion of light.(利用光或者光影完成一個作品)?Create a title for the work.(對于整個工作起一個標(biāo)題)3. contain (容納)?Identify what you want to contain.(確定你想容納的內(nèi)容)?Create a container for it.(為它創(chuàng)造一個容器)?Create a title for the work.(對于整個工作起一個標(biāo)題)對于命題作品的詳細(xì)解讀:http://www.makebi.net/21152.html


Master of Industrial Design學(xué)制:2年學(xué)費:46800美元/年語言:iBT 93 / IELTS 6.5GRE:不要求申請截至?xí)r間:1月10日作品集要求:Graduate applicants are required to submit 10?20 examples of visual work.

#2. Carnegie Mellon University | 卡內(nèi)基梅隆大學(xué)

美國卡耐基梅隆大學(xué)(Carnegie Mellon University),簡稱CMU,坐落在美國賓夕法尼亞州的匹茲堡(Pittsburgh),是一所擁有13,600名在校學(xué)生和1,423名教職及科研人員的世界著名學(xué)府。該校擁有享譽(yù)全球的計算機(jī)學(xué)院和戲劇學(xué)院,其藝術(shù)學(xué)院,商學(xué)院,工程院以及公共管理學(xué)院等也都在全美名列前茅。


Bachelor of Design in Products學(xué)制:4年費用:40000美元/年語言:托福不低于100分,單科不低于25分/雅思不低于7.5分SAT/ACT:要求作品集要求:http://design.cmu.edu/node/111


Master of Design學(xué)制:2年費用:40000 美元/年GRE:要求語言要求:ibT不低于102分,單科不低于25分/IELTS不低于7.5分,單科不低于7.0分作品集要求:http://design.cmu.edu/node/119

#3. California College of the Arts | 加州藝術(shù)學(xué)院

加州藝術(shù)學(xué)院 (California College of the Arts),簡稱 CCA ; 是一所專為 “藝術(shù)工作者和設(shè)計師” 教育而設(shè)的學(xué)院,并以“理論與實踐并重”的中心理念延續(xù)了一百多年直到現(xiàn)在。大家在選擇California College of the Arts時需要和南加州的California Institute of the Arts進(jìn)行區(qū)分,兩所學(xué)校的中文譯名都是加州藝術(shù)學(xué)院,并且都是美國頂尖的藝術(shù)類院校,很容易混淆,兩者的強(qiáng)項有所不同,CCA在藝術(shù)及設(shè)計領(lǐng)域地位甚高,而CalArts則是以電影制片及動畫媒體為主。


BFA Industrial Design學(xué)制:4年費用:46776美元/年語言:托福不低于80分,雅思不低于6.5作品集要求:提交10-15頁作品。


MFA IN DESIGN學(xué)制:2-3年學(xué)費:49230美元/年語言:iBT 100 / IELTS 7.5GRE要求:不需要申請截至?xí)r間:1月5日申請材料:個人陳述/個人簡歷/推薦信/作品集/成績單/英文成績作品集要求:包含不多于25頁作品,最大不超過5MB。

#4. Art Center College of Design | 設(shè)計藝術(shù)中心學(xué)院

藝術(shù)中心設(shè)計學(xué)院,又簡稱為ArtCenter或ACCD,是一所非營利的私立藝術(shù)學(xué)院,座落于美國加州的帕薩迪納。 目前藝術(shù)中心設(shè)計學(xué)院有兩個主要校區(qū): 山邊校區(qū) 與南校區(qū),山邊校區(qū)座落于舉辦過數(shù)次超級杯的玫瑰杯球場后方,南校區(qū)則是由三棟不同風(fēng)格的建筑組成,鄰近帕薩迪納市中心。


BA Product Design學(xué)制:4年費用: 20,704美元/年語言:雅思總分6.5分, TOEFL (iBT) 80作品集要求:Submit sketches and finished drawings of three or more original product designs (furniture, lighting, medical and computer equipment, or consumer products such as coffee makers, sporting goods, communications devices or personal stereos). Each project should be grouped as a separate PDF.Emphasis should be on the function of the product, as well as the aesthetics and originality of the design. Projects should show a thorough researching and exploration of a product from beginning through intermediate sketches to a final finished rendering of the product.Inclusion of photos of 3D models is optional. Of primary importance are exploratory sketches that show a variety of solutions and ideas for each product Psented. Sketchbook pages should be scanned and grouped in a single PDF.


Graduate Industrial Design學(xué)制:2年學(xué)費:42324美元/年語言:iBT 100 / IELTS 7GRE要求:不需要申請截至?xí)r間:1月15日申請材料:作品集/個人陳述(Personal essay)/個人簡歷/推薦信/成績單/英文成績作品集要求:Submit work that demonstrates your design and innovation abilities. Include examples of projects that show your process and how you develop your ideas into the project results. Sketchbooks and documentation of early idea development are welcome additions that complement more finished portfolios. We look for abilities to:think and operate in terms of projects.take a systems approach to design solutions.write and communicate effectively.envision and produce broadly desirable 3D objects and spaces.produce a high level of aesthetic sensibility in production; e.g., style, proportion, shape, material, color, etc.draw and/or otherwise visualize new ideas.identify important opportunities and needs.research, investigate and analyze design topics.experiment, think laterally and engage in creative idea generation activities.develop desirable solutions for real needs and problems that create value for the human condition.consider and plan for related business dynamics.exploit and employ appropriate technologies.profess expertise and depth in specific areas or disciplines.

#5. Savannah College of Art and Design | 薩凡納藝術(shù)設(shè)計學(xué)院

薩凡納藝術(shù)與設(shè)計學(xué)院Savannah College of Art and Design(SCAD),位于美國佐治亞州的薩凡納市中心,是全美最大的藝術(shù)學(xué)院,也是全球最大的藝術(shù)大學(xué)之一。許多著名品牌設(shè)計師及迪斯尼動畫師皆出自該校,例如Facebook的首席設(shè)計師Kate Aronowitz。


BFA Production Design學(xué)制:4年費用:35910美元/年語言:托福不低于85分,雅思不低于6.5作品集要求:Applicants may submit 10-20 traditional, visual art or design pieces , which may be executed in black-and-white or color. Submissions may include drawing, painting, design, printmaking, collage, photography, sculpture, jewelry, fashion, furniture or fiber art. Portfolio pieces may rePsent classroom assignments as well as independent projects. The portfolio should be purposeful, demonstrate originality of concept, use of appropriate materials and visual literacy. While building an artistic repertoire, students should be prolific; this will allow for more selectivity when compiling the final portfolio. Portfolios are reviewed on the following qualitative measures: aesthetic awareness, composition, drawing, design, color perception, spatial perception, quality of Psentation, technique and originality. Favorable consideration is given to strong 2-D and 3-D work that shows fully rendered pieces, excellent craftsmanship, attention to technique, and original design.


M.F.A. in Industrial Design學(xué)制:2年學(xué)費:36765美元/年語言:iBT 85 / IELTS 6.5申請截至?xí)r間:RollingGRE要求:不需要申請材料:成績單/作品集/個人陳述/推薦信/個人簡歷/英文成績作品集要求:Portfolios should demonstrate your skill sets, problem-solving abilities and the design process through an array of media to include: research, sketching, CAD renderings and model making. Portfolios may include no more than three writing samples with at least one sample of scholarly writing. Work should be submitted in digital format and writings should follow academic paper format.

#6. Pratt Institute | 普瑞特藝術(shù)學(xué)院

普瑞特藝術(shù)學(xué)院(Pratt Institute),成立于1887年,是美國紐約市的藝術(shù)學(xué)校。主校區(qū)有25英畝,位于布魯克林區(qū)。此外在曼哈頓下城區(qū)也有曼哈頓校區(qū)。其中工業(yè)設(shè)計排名美國第三,室內(nèi)設(shè)計排名美國第一。2015年的QS世界本科排行名,藝術(shù)與設(shè)計類專業(yè)排名(World University Rankings ? Art & Design)全球第五,北美地區(qū)第四。


Bachelor of Industrial Design學(xué)制:4年費用:47986美元/年語言:雅思總分不低于6.5分,單科不低于6.0分, 托福79分作品集要求:The visual portfolio should consist of 12-20 pieces of your best work. It should consist of a variety of media and approaches. It can include assignment-based projects, self-directed work or pieces of a collaborative nature. The portfolio does not need to be major-specific and can include any type of work including paintings, drawings, sculpture, ceramics, etc. In addition, students must submit three to five observational drawings. Examples of observational work include landscape, still-life, self-portrait, figure drawings, and interior spaces. Please do not include work that copies photographs, uses the grid system or directly replicates any other artist’s work (including replicating anime drawings, cartoons, or video game character designs). Download the “Portfolio Advice” PDF at the bottom of this page under downloads for more information.


Master of Industrial Design學(xué)制:2-3年學(xué)費:41200美元/年語言:iBT 90 / IELTS 6.5申請截至?xí)r間:1月5日申請材料:申請表/成績單/個人簡歷/個人陳述/推薦信/作品集/語言成績作品集要求:The portfolio must contain examples of drawings as a communication tool, three-dimensional objects, and a basic understanding of graphic design, executed through Psentation and layout. Showing both the process and execution of a project, along with problem solving and research is recommended. Please include any additional materials that tell the story of who you are as a creative person.

#7. Cranbrook Academy of Art | 克蘭布魯克藝術(shù)學(xué)院

Cranbrook Academy of Art 克蘭布魯克藝術(shù)學(xué)院,是一所小型藝術(shù)專業(yè)院校,位于曾一度輝煌的汽車之城大底特律郊外的第一富人區(qū)??布魯菲爾德山莊?颂m布魯克的校區(qū)古典而精致,擁有除大學(xué)外從幼兒教育到碩士研究生培養(yǎng)的教學(xué)機(jī)構(gòu)。CAA在2016年U.S.News&World Report《美國新聞與世界報道》的藝術(shù)學(xué)院排名中排名第6 。


Master of Industrial Design學(xué)制:2年學(xué)費:34375美元/年語言:iBT 85申請截至?xí)r間:2月1日GRE要求:不需要申請材料:個人陳述/個人簡歷/三封推薦信/作品集/成績單/在讀證明作品集要求:Attach up to 20 examples of recent work and provide title, date, materials, and dimension for each image/file uploaded. Instructions on acceptable file types will be provided during the upload process in Slideroom.

#8. Ohio State University | 俄亥俄州立大學(xué)

俄亥俄州立大學(xué)(英語:The Ohio State University)創(chuàng)建于1870年,是一所坐落于美國俄亥俄州首府哥倫布市(Columbus)北部的公立研究型大學(xué)。它是著名的世界性大學(xué)聯(lián)盟Universitas 21成員,北美頂尖的學(xué)術(shù)聯(lián)盟美國大學(xué)協(xié)會(AAU)最早加入的公立成員之一以及十大聯(lián)盟(Big Ten Conference)成員。大學(xué)是五大湖地區(qū)最頂尖的公立大學(xué)之一,被譽(yù)為“公立常春藤(Public Ivy)” 。


BSD Industrial Design學(xué)制:4年費用:32623美元/年語言:托福不低于79分,雅思不低于6.5分SAT/ACT:要求作品集要求:無具體要求

#9. Rochester Institute of Technology | 羅切斯特理工大學(xué)



BFA Industrial Design學(xué)制:4年費用:21780美元語言:雅思總分不低于6.5分,托福不低于79分作品集要求:10-20 PiecesThe 10-20 pieces of your best artwork that you choose to submit should demonstrate an understanding of pictorial composition, creativity/originality of ideas, drawing and design ability, a sense for the use of materials, attention to detail, and craftsmanship. The work can be from a variety of media and subject matter. We’re looking for good traditional drawing skills as well as artwork relevant to your artistic interests.3 to 6 Pieces Drawn from ObservationInclude a minimum of three to six drawings made by direct observation (not copied from photographs, comics, or “fantasy”). Drawings should demonstrate a full range of tonal values and a variety of line quality.Creativity and CraftsmanshipThe craftsmanship in a work of art is as important as the ideas Psented. You can demonstrate creativity through innovative ideas and content, interesting composition, and proficient use of materials.Acceptable Media FormatsImages (up to 5 MB each), Video (up to 60 MB each), Audio (up to 30 MB each) and PDFs (up to 10 MB each). You may also link to media from YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloudhttp://cias.rit.edu/prospective-students/portfolio-guide/


Industrial Design MFA學(xué)制:2年學(xué)費:41000 美元/年語言:iBT 90 / IELTS 7.0申請截至?xí)r間:2月15日GRE要求:不需要申請材料:成績單/作品集/個人陳述(Statement of Purpose)/推薦信/個人簡歷/英文成績作品集要求:As part of the entrance requirements, applicants must demonstrate an understanding of design principles and visual computer skills using Adobe products. A portfolio of 10-15 examples must demonstrate a good sense of design, typography, and illustration in addition to the applicant’s interests in and aptitudes for advanced study and, specifically, potential for success at RIT. Applicants are encouraged to submit only their best original work. Applicants should not submit work copied from film, television, photographs, magazine/book illustrations or other sources.

#10. Parsons School of Design | 帕森斯設(shè)計學(xué)院



PRODUCT DESIGN (BFA)學(xué)制:4年費用:45240美元/年語言:托福不低于100分,雅思不低于7.0分作品集要求:The portfolio must be completed in SlideRoom only. Freshman and transfer applicants must submit a portfolio of eight to 12 images. Portfolios can include a range of media such as drawing, painting, sculpture, fashion design, animation, performance, graphic design, or sketchbook pages. We encourage you to show experimentation and breadth, and the portfolio does not need to specifically address the major to which you are applying.


MFA INDUSTRIAL DESIGN學(xué)制:2年學(xué)費:美元/年語言:iBT 92 / IELTS 7.0申請截至?xí)r間:1月1日GRE要求:無要求申請材料:成績單/在讀證明/推薦信/Resume/個人陳述/作品集作品集要求:The portfolio must be completed in SlideRoom only. The purpose of the portfolio is to show your inpidual perspective and creative skills. Prepare a sequence of 15?25 images that best communicate your visual thinking. Include work that best demonstrates your skills from Pvious educational and/or professional experience. Sketches and conceptual work can also be included.We welcome students from a wide variety of disciplines. If you are an applicant without Pvious training in industrial design or other design-related fields, you can demonstrate your aptitude by submitting examples of freehand drawing, photography, painting, sculpture, graphic design, three-dimensional work, furniture, product design, digital media, or work in other forms. Time-based works such as film, video, performance, installation or sound are also accepted. Do not combine images in a Ppared Psentation or slideshow of any type (e.g., PowerPoint or Keynote).

