


birds of feather.一丘之貉

black sheep.害群之馬

break a butterfly on a wheel.小題大做

cast peals before swine.明珠暗投

the cat among the pigeons. 人為刀俎,我為魚肉

even a worm will turn.狗急跳墻

go to the dogs.江河日下

love me love my dog.愛屋及烏

take a hair of the dog that bite you.以毒攻毒

kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.殺雞取卵

kill two birds with one stone.一箭雙雕

wake a sleeping dog.惹是生非

look a gift horse in the mouth.吹毛求疵

neither fish nor fowl.不倫不類

put/set the cart before the horse.本末倒置

look like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.驚慌失措

birds of feather.一丘之貉

black sheep.害群之馬

break a butterfly on a wheel.小題大做

cast peals before swine.明珠暗投

the cat among the pigeons. 人為刀俎,我為魚肉

even a worm will turn.狗急跳墻

go to the dogs.江河日下

love me love my dog.愛屋及烏

the cat weeping over the dead mouse貓哭老鼠

a narrow winding trail羊腸小道

even a worm will turn狗急跳墻

black sheep害群之馬

kill two birds with one stone一箭雙雕

glare like a tiger eyeing its Py虎視眈眈

pull a tooth from the tiger‘s mouth虎口拔牙

a tiger ‘s head and a snake‘s tail虎頭蛇尾

dragons and fishes jumbled together魚龍混雜

pass off fish eyes as pearls魚目混珠

monsters and demons牛神蛇鬼

the fox borrows the tiger‘s fierceness狐假虎威

a pack of rogues狐朋狗黨

evil associates狐朋狗友

in bits and pieces雞零狗碎

a mouse can see only an inch鼠目寸光

a horse galloping without a stop馬不停蹄

gain an immediate馬到成功

the cat weeping over the dead mouse貓哭老鼠

a narrow winding trail羊腸小道

even a worm will turn狗急跳墻

black sheep害群之馬

kill two birds with one stone一箭雙雕

glare like a tiger eyeing its Py虎視眈眈

pull a tooth from the tiger‘s mouth虎口拔牙

a tiger ‘s head and a snake‘s tail虎頭蛇尾

dragons and fishes jumbled together魚龍混雜

pass off fish eyes as pearls魚目混珠

monsters and demons牛神蛇鬼

the fox borrows the tiger‘s fierceness狐假虎威

a pack of rogues狐朋狗黨

evil associates狐朋狗友

in bits and pieces雞零狗碎

chicken feathers and garlic skins雞毛蒜皮

even fowls and dogs are not spared雞犬不寧

the crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs雞鳴犬吠

monstrously audacious狗膽包天

mere trash狗屁不通

used in兔死狐悲

the cat among the pigeons人為刀俎,我為魚肉

